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Software Guarantee and Refund Policy
Software Guarantee
If you are not satisfied with the software which you have purchased, we will provide a refund
of the purchase price.
We do ask that you tell us why you are not satisfied, so that we can correct any problems with
the software.
Refund Policy
If you have purchased software from johnhurt.com, and ask for a refund, the following policy applies:
- You must provide your name, email address, and mailing address. We will provide a refund
to you by check, through postal mail.
- You must agree to remove any copies of the software from your machine.
- Only one refund per customer.
- Please let us know how to improve our software so that refunds will not be necessary
If you have any questions, please contact us at:
PO Box 31
Elmwood, TN 38560
Website: www.johnhurt.com
To answer questions online, please click here to go to our "Contact Us" page.