King James Bible | ![]() |
Strong's Number And Link to Concordance | Name Pronouciation | Description |
akroaterion | from akroathV - akroates 202; an audience-room:--place of hearing. | |
akroathV | from akroaomai (to listen; apparently an intensive of 191); a hearer (merely):--hearer. | |
akrobustia | from akron - akron 206 and probably a modified form of posthe (the penis or male sexual organ); the prepuce; by implication, an uncircumcised (i.e. gentile, figuratively, unregenerate) state or person:--not circumcised, uncircumcised (with 2192), uncircumcision. | |
akrogwniaioV | from akron - akron 206 and gwnia - gonia 1137; belonging to the extreme corner:--chief corner. | |
akroqinion | from akron - akron 206 and this (a heap); properly (in the plural) the top of the heap, i.e. (by implication) best of the booty:--spoils. | |
akron | neuter of an adjective probably akin to the base of akmhn - akmen 188; the extremity:--one end... other, tip, top, uttermost participle | |
AkulaV | probably for Latin aquila (an eagle); Akulas, an Israelite:--Aquila. | |
akurow | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and kurow - kuroo 2964; to invalidate:--disannul, make of none effect. | |
akwlutwV | adverb from a compound of a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of kwluw - koluo 2967; in an unhindered manner, i.e. freely:--no man forbidding him. | |
akwn | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and ekwn - hekon 1635; unwilling:--against the will. | |
alabastron | neuter of alabastros (of uncertain derivation), the name of a stone; properly, an "alabaster" box, i.e. (by extension) a perfume vase (of any material):--(alabaster) box. | |
alazoneia | from alazwn - alazon 213; braggadocio, i.e. (by implication) self-confidence:--boasting, pride. | |
alazwn | from ale (vagrancy); braggart:--boaster. | |
alalazw | from alale ( a shout, "halloo"); to vociferate, i.e. (by implication) to wail; figuratively, to clang:--tinkle, wail. | |
alalhtoV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of lalew - laleo 2980; unspeakable:--unutterable, which cannot be uttered. | |
alaloV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and lalew - laleo 2980; mute:--dumb. | |
alaV | from alV - hals 251; salt; figuratively, prudence:--salt. | |
aleifo | from a - a 1 (as particle of union) and the base of liparoV - liparos 3045; to oil (with perfume):--anoint. | |
alektorofwnia | from alektwr - alektor 220 and fwnh - phone 5456; cock-crow, i.e. the third night-watch:--cockcrowing. | |
alektwr | from aleko (to ward off); a cock or male fowl:--cock. | |
AlexandreuV | from Alexandreia (the city so called); an Alexandreian or inhabitant of Alexandria:--of Alexandria, Alexandrian. | |
AlexandrinoV | from the same as AlexandreuV - Alexandreus 221; Alexandrine, or belonging to Alexandria:--of Alexandria. | |
AlexandroV | from the same as (the first part of) alektwr - alektor 220 and anhr - aner 435; man-defender; Alexander, the name of three Israelites and one other man:--Alexander. | |
aleuron | from aleo (to grind); flour:--meal. | |
alhqeia | from alhqhV - alethes 227; truth:--true, X truly, truth, verity. | |
alhqeuw | from alhqhV - alethes 227; to be true (in doctrine and profession):--speak (tell) the truth. | |
alhqhV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and lanqanw - lanthano 2990; true (as not concealing):--true, truly, truth. | |
alhqinoV | from alhqhV - alethes 227; truthful:--true. | |
alhqw | from the same as aleuron - aleuron 224; to grind:--grind. | |
alhqwV | adverb from alhqhV - alethes 227; truly:--indeed, surely, of a surety, truly, of a (in) truth, verily, very. | |
alieuV | from alV - hals 251; a sailor (as engaged on the salt water), i.e. (by implication) a fisher:--fisher(-man). | |
alieuw | from alieuV - halieus 231; to be a fisher, i.e. (by implication) to fish:--go a-fishing. | |
alizw | from alV - hals 251; to salt:--salt. | |
alisgema | from alisgeo (to soil); (ceremonially) defilement:--pollution. | |
alla | neuter plural of alloV - allos 243; properly, other things, i.e. (adverbially) contrariwise (in many relations):--and, but (even), howbeit, indeed, nay, nevertheless, no, notwithstanding, save, therefore, yea, yet. | |
allassw | from alloV - allos 243; to make different:--change. | |
allacoqen | from alloV - allos 243; from elsewhere:--some other way. | |
allhgorew | from alloV - allos 243 and agoreo (to harangue (compare 58)); to allegorize:--be an allegory (the Greek word itself). | |
allhlouia | of Hebrew origin (imperative of episkoph - episkope 1984 and Yahh 3050); praise ye Jah!, an adoring exclamation:--alleluiah. | |
allhlwn | Genitive plural from alloV - allos 243 reduplicated; one another:--each other, mutual, one another, (the other), (them-, your-)selves, (selves) together (sometimes with meta - meta 3326 or 4314). | |
allogenhV | from alloV - allos 243 and genoV - genos 1085; foreign, i.e. not a Jew:--stranger. | |
allomai | middle voice of apparently a primary verb; to jump; figuratively, to gush:--leap, spring up. | |
alloV | a primary word; "else," i.e. different (in many applications):--more, one (another), (an-, some an-)other(-s, -wise). | |
allotriepiskopoV | from allotrioV - allotrios 245 and episkopoV - episkopos 1985; overseeing others' affairs, i.e. a meddler (specially, in Gentile customs):--busybody in other men's matters. | |
allotrioV | from alloV - allos 243; another's, i.e. not one's own; by extension foreign, not akin, hostile:--alien, (an-)other (man's, men's), strange(-r). | |
allofuloV | from alloV - allos 243 and fulh - phule 5443; foreign, i.e. (specially) Gentile:--one of another nation. | |
alloV | adverb from alloV - allos 243; differently:--otherwise. | |
aloaw | from the same as alwn - halon 257; to tread out grain:--thresh, tread out the corn. | |
alogoV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and logoV - logos 3056; irrational:--brute, unreasonable. | |
aloh | of foreign origin (compare 174); aloes (the gum):--aloes. | |
alV | a primary word; "salt":--salt. | |
alukoV | from alV - hals 251; briny:--salt. | |
alupoteroV | comparative of a compound of a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and luph - lupe 3077; more without grief:--less sorrowful. | |
alusiV | of uncertain derivation; a fetter or manacle:--bonds, chain. | |
alusitelhV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and the base of lusitelei - lusitelei 3081; gainless, i.e. (by implication) pernicious:--unprofitable. | |
AlfaioV | of Hebrew origin (compare Cheleph 2501); Alphoeus, an Israelite:--Alpheus. | |
alwn | probably from the base of eilissw - heilisso 1507; a threshing-floor (as rolled hard), i.e. (figuratively) the grain (and chaff, as just threshed):--floor. | |
alwpex | of uncertain derivation; a fox, i.e. (figuratively) a cunning person:--fox. | |
alwsiV | from a collateral form of aireomai - haireomai 138; capture, be taken. | |
ama | a primary particle; properly, at the "same" time, but freely used as a preposition or adverb denoting close association:--also, and, together, with(-al). | |
amaqhV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and manqanw - manthano 3129; ignorant:--unlearned. | |
amarantinoV | from amarantoV - amarantos 263; "amaranthine", i.e. (by implication) fadeless:--that fadeth not away. | |
amarantoV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of marainw - maraino 3133; unfading, i.e. (by implication) perpetual:--that fadeth not away. | |
amartanw | perhaps from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and the base of meroV - meros 3313; properly, to miss the mark (and so not share in the prize), i.e. (figuratively) to err, especially (morally) to sin:--for your faults, offend, sin, trespass. | |
amarthma | from amartanw - hamartano 264; a sin (properly concrete):--sin. | |
amartia | from amartanw - hamartano 264; a sin (properly abstract):--offence, sin(-ful). | |
amarturoV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and a form of martuV - martus 3144; unattested:--without witness. | |
amartwloV | from amartanw - hamartano 264; sinful, i.e. a sinner:--sinful, sinner. | |
amacoV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and mach - mache 3163; peaceable:--not a brawler. | |
amaw | from ama - hama 260; properly, to collect, i.e. (by implication) reap:--reap down. | |
amequstoV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of mequw - methuo 3184; the "amethyst" (supposed to prevent intoxication):--amethyst. | |
amelew | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and melw - melo 3199; to be careless of:--make light of, neglect, be negligent, no regard. | |
amemptoV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of memfomai - memphomai 3201; irreproachable:--blameless, faultless, unblamable. | |
amemptwV | adverb from amemptoV - amemptos 273; faultlessly:--blameless, unblamably. | |
amerimnoV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and merimna - merimna 3308; not anxious:--without care(-fulness), secure. | |
ametaqetoV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of metatiqhmi - metatithemi 3346; unchangeable, or (neuter as abstract) unchangeability:--immutable(-ility). | |
ametakinhtoV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of metakinew - metakineo 3334; immovable:--unmovable. | |
ametamelhtoV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of metamellomai - metamellomai 3338; irrevocable:--without repentance, not to be repented of. | |
ametanohtoV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of metanoew - metanoeo 3340; unrepentant:--impenitent. | |
ametroV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and metron - metron 3358; immoderate:--(thing) without measure. | |
amhn | of Hebrew origin ('amen 543); properly, firm, i.e. (figuratively) trustworthy; adverbially, surely (often as interjection, so be it):--amen, verily. | |
amhtwr | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and mhthr - meter 3384; motherless, i.e. of unknown maternity:--without mother. | |
amiantoV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of miainw - miaino 3392; unsoiled, i.e. (figuratively) pure:--undefiled. | |
Aminadab | of Hebrew origin (`Ammiynadab 5992); Aminadab, an Israelite:--Aminadab. | |
ammoV | perhaps from ama - hama 260; sand (as heaped on the beach):--sand. | |
amnoV | apparently a primary word; a lamb:--lamb. | |
amoibh | from ameibo (to exchange); requital:--requite. | |
ampeloV | probably from the base of amfoteroV - amphoteros 297 and that of alwn - halon 257; a vine (as coiling about a support):--vine. | |
ampelourgoV | from ampeloV - ampelos 288 and ergon - ergon 2041; a vine-worker, i.e. pruner:--vine-dresser. | |
ampelwn | from ampeloV - ampelos 288; a vineyard:--vineyard. | |
AmpliaV | contracted for Latin ampliatus (enlarged); Amplias, a Roman Christian:--Amplias. | |
amunomai | middle voice of a primary verb; to ward off (for oneself), i.e. protect:--defend. | |
amfiblhstron | from a compound of the base of amfoteroV - amphoteros 297 and ballw - ballo 906; a (fishing) net (as thrown about the fish):--net. | |
amfiennumi | from the base of amfoteroV - amphoteros 297 and hennumi (to invest); to enrobe:--clothe. | |
AmfipoliV | from the base of amfoteroV - amphoteros 297 and poliV - polis 4172; a city surrounded by a river; Amphipolis, a place in Macedonia:--Amphipolis. | |
amfodon | from the base of amfoteroV - amphoteros 297 and odoV - hodos 3598; a fork in the road:--where two ways meet. | |
amfoteroV | comparative of amphi (around); (in plural) both:--both. | |
amwmhtoV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of mwmaomai - momaomai 3469; unblamable:--blameless. | |
amwmoV | from a - a 1 (as a negative particle) and mwmoV - momos 3470; unblemished (literally or figuratively):--without blame (blemish, fault, spot), faultless, unblamable. | |
Amwn | of Hebrew origin ('Amown 526); Amon, an Israelite:--Amon. |
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